Resume Writing Services in India
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Career Solutions
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top level executives
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Get a competitive edge with a resume that highlights your strengths
Get our experts serve you with resume writing services using the right keywords to highlight your career goals and achievements in an effective structure and crisp formatting to make your resume stand out.
Keyword targeted, Text based resume. Suitable for job applications within India.
- Industry Specific Writers
- Unlimited Modifications
- Custom-crafted Formats
- Personalised Attention
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Enhance your text resume by adding visuals in an impressive way. Preferred by International Recruiters.
- Excruciatingly detailed Resume
- Globally Certified CV Writers
- 24x7 Global Sales Support
- International Cards Accepted
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Economically suitable package for those who are looking for career opportunities in India and Abroad.
- Economically Suitable
- 2 Copy Resumes
- Tailored to get target job
- Enhanced Features
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Personalised Services
LinkedIn Profile
If you are job hunting, LinkedIn is a great place for job application that make yourself known in the job market. 9 out of 10 recruiters use LinkedIn to hire candidates like you.
SOP-LOR with
Academic Resume
While applying to get Admission to Study Abroad, SOP and LOR is must for the entry level candidates. Get a SOP-LOR with Academic Resume to distinguish yourself from others.
Defence Force
A military veteran job seeker resume contains terminology and acronyms which are difficult to understand by people not in uniform hence requires expertise to translate it well.
Executive Class Resume
We understand your unique needs and hence give you a customised resume on basis of interactions done throughout the enlightening and invigorating process.
Career Booster
Forwarding your Resume to companies, recruiters and hiring managers on our distribution list. This maximises your chances of landing with right kind of interviews.
Profile Highlighting
Increase your chance of getting more views from the recruiters among million jobseekers. Be higher up in the search when recruiters search for resumes in their database.
National Resume
International Resume
Linkedin Profile
Resume Booster
Online Web
Create a website for your online portfolio or resume and show what you can do. Turn your resume into a stunning website. Make a perfect Online Web Resume in 2019.
Job Assistant Downloadable E-Books
Basic Guide to
Job Interview
An EBook which is A Guide to Acing Your Interview and Negotiating Your Job Offer. Prepare yourself for questions that you might be asked by the interviewer.
Winning Interviews
EBook - Masters Tips & Tricks to crack the Toughest Interview Questions of your industry. Best Tips for answering any Job Interview Questions and resume building for any profile.
HR & IR Best Practice Q&A
EBook - 500+ HR Practice Questions and Answers for Government Exams. It's important and preferred for recuitment in BHEL, SAIL, GAIL, and other Manufacturing Companies.
Job Hunting
Know How
Easy to understand EBook on Job Hunting - Proven tips, techniques and advices that will help you find your dream job even in today's tough job market!